-Albert Meisenbach, MD, violinist and baritone, Austin, TX
I have been playing for the past several weeks with the custom chin rest you recently designed for me. It is an excellent
product, very helpful to my playing. I recommend it to all interested violinists. One specific issue it helps me with: I am a 6 foot 6 inch+ ectomorph with a long thin neck and not much chest. Your chin rest greatly lessens my dependency on a stratospherically tall shoulder rest and puts the instrument lower down relative to my shoulders. Everything feels and sounds more natural. It helps to lessen muscle tension overall. Thank you!!! But first we must have sound ergonomics, which your chin rest promotes. "Better living thru more physiologic violin paraphernalia"
-Melissa Allen, violist and teacher, Knoxville, TN
My chinrest has definitely made a difference for the better for me, and I'm enjoying the freedom that the absence of the Kun gives me.
-Bill Alpert, violinist and teacher, Alpert Studio, California
Most of all, I want to thank you for convincing me to stay the course. When I first tried my new chin rest, you might remember that I had some second thoughts. But I've made the transition and have built a new, more intimate relationship with my instrument. Furthermore, it’s enabled me to release tension through the neck, jaw and face. Lynne, I’m honored to evangelize your product and your concepts to any/all teachers and violinists who will listen!
-Mei Chang, violinist Long Beach and Pasadena Symphonies, California
I thought that it would take me a while to completely adapt to [the new chinrest], but to my own amazement, in about one week after I started to play with it, it already felt very natural. In 2 weeks' time I was playing concerts and feeling no insecurity at all with the new set up. I'm only sad that I did not know about this possibility earlier! My shoulder, arms and hands thank you. I have definitely fulfilled my longtime pursuit to free my left shoulder, but little did I know how much the new set up would actually improve my bow strokes and general tone production. I realize that the muscles are happy and everything is just more fluid.
-Anthony Gilbert, violist, Memphis, TN
Thank you so much! The chinrest that you made for me is magic! It’s the best thing to happen for my playing in years; it is unlocking many doors for me. I appreciate your patience, helpfulness with supportive ideas, and your fine craftsmanship. Many thanks…
-Eric Gorfain, The Section Quartet, California and Japan
My vibrato is stronger. My neck pain has largely been alleviated. I haven’t felt the need for a chiropractic adjustment in months. I’ve had a few massages but even my regular body work practitioner feels that my body is more balanced than ever before.
-Erik Klevjer, violist, St. Charles String Quartet, Baltimore, MD
In the last few days I’ve been noticing huge improvements and how much easier it is to play. I’ve just been practicing scales while my muscles adjust to the new position. I did a gig earlier tonight and I noticed how much easier it was to play in tune, and with a fuller/louder sound. That chinrest is making it a lot easier to keep the instrument locked into the right position. Thanks so much for all the info. I have studied with a lot of people and they were all so vague about posture/chinrests, so this has been a huge help. Playing was becoming incredibly frustrating because things never really felt quite right.
-Lucy Manning, violinist and Professor of Violin, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
[After being fitted with a Frisch and Denig Chinrest], I had to take a break from the violin while moving, but 3 weeks ago I was told I had to perform for the opening college meeting yesterday, so I methodically started practicing. At first, I could only handle about 10 minutes at a time and was getting very discouraged! I think I was over-compensating for the change and likely raising my shoulder too high causing pain. Then I practiced several times a day, but still only for 10 minutes while constantly checking in a mirror and periodically dropping my left arm to swing it from the shoulder. After 2 weeks, I could practice up to 1 hour, and though not convinced yet, I was encouraged by the progress. I nearly gave up and switched back to the old chinrest and shoulder pad just to get through this performance, but the 3rd week everything started coming together! Now I just played part of Autumn - Vivaldi, so lots of shifting was not an issue, but I tried playing the opening of the Bruch g minor yesterday and shifting on the G string was not a problem. So I'm sticking with it now and can't wait to share this with my students!
-Gilles Rullman, Fiddle Player and Teacher, Haarlem, The Netherlands
I already feel a great freeing up, amazingly enough not only of the left shoulder (lots more agility in the fingers, better shifting), but also in the right arm, leading to more stable and more precise bowing.
-Mary Alice Rich, violinist, teacher, and composer, Dallas, TX
Lynne, I need to report to you that my chinrest continues to be working out very well. Yesterday, I had a 2 hour rehearsal where I was playing almost the whole time and I did not experience the usual painful knot at the base of my neck just to the left of my spine. That is new to me, not to feel that pain after playing for any substantial length. This is looking more and more positive thanks to you and Gary...
-Marilynn Kregal, former Principle Second Violin, Buffalo Philharmonic, NY
It was a great afternoon with you. But I know that our good relationship started several months ago with the emails that you sent. They were detailed about the work that you do, and you understood about the frustration of not being able to play the way one has been used to playing but not really knowing why. You accurately pinpointed why I was getting pain in different areas, and relating it to what was going wrong between me and the violin... a partnership that had existed for a lifetime, and had experienced a divorce!! I am grateful for having met you.
-Teri Lee, violinist, National Symphony Orchestra, Washington, DC
I am so comfy, and pain-free. Would be happy to be a spokesperson for your company!
-Andrés Ortiz Sauco, violinist, Duo Animacorde; teacher; co-head, CEPIC; Madrid, Spain
I just got the chinrest and I have never been more comfortable holding the violin with my head as needed. Also, it is very pretty. A big thank you for this wonderful job.
-James Przygocki, violist and Violin and Viola Professor, University of Wyoming
I am really liking the chinrest I am using on my viola. I think I can honestly say it is the most 'at home' I have ever felt! Thanks!