AFTER: 1/2 violin, 1/2 Brandt with 2mm lift. A calmer face, the body is in better balance and shows general ease. Also a flatter violin with less roll. With this chinrest, the chin finds it's position and allows the head weight to fall gently onto the chinrest. Photo Credit: Barbara Greenberg
This 14 year old has a long jawline from the square of the jaw to the chin and a somewhat prominent chin. The plane of her jawline is more vertical. As with the first student in the Brandt category, this student does not have much bone length from the square of the jawbone up to the joint, near the ear. Photo Credit: Barbara Greenberg
AFTER: The Hamburg chinrest provides a comfortable space for the prominent chin to rest. The downward slope of the Hamburg allows the length of the jawbone to rest in the chinrest and not to experience pressure points. Photo Credit: Barbara Greenberg